In “Journey Proud: A Novel” (published by Trafford Publishing), author Carolyn Fleming’s new novel, readers are transported into a quiet, rural town in Georgia in 1933 and confronted with a mystery that will have them guessing till the very end. When world traveler – and native – Jason Randolph returns after an absence of 11 years, the town’s sleepy days are over. Jason’s mysterious appearance is only heightened when Josephine, an infamous beauty, shows up too. As the story plays out, readers find themselves pulled into a Depression-era tale that showcases hate, love, life, fear and intrigue. From Jason's sister, Fanny, allowing her intense hatred of Josephine to lead her to act out an unspeakable act of destruction, to Jason's good intentions being destroyed by an unexpected disaster and everything in-between – the Ku Klux Klan making an appearance and a mysterious death – readers won’t be able to put the book down. An excerpt from “Journey Proud”: “‘Is it time for breakfast?’ Sunny set up and looked at the red imprints on her leg and arm. Slowly she began to remember, ‘Eldora, is Mr. Jason really dead?’ ‘Yes, Honey.’ ‘Come here, Chile, to you Old Dora.’ Eldora got painfully down on her knees and put her arms around Sunny. She rocked her with a swaying motion for a long time. Then she drew back and looked her straight in the eye. You took a big step in growing up today. I wish you wasn’t in that drugstore, but you was, and you found out what everybody finds out by-an-by if they live long enough in this worl’.” Fleming hopes that readers will glean a new sense of what it means to “live and never look back” after reading her book. “We must all learn to live without corrosive feelings,” she explains, “or we will destroy our own lives, as well as everything we care for.” Source: PRWEB