Kuwaiti Emir Sabah al Ahmad al Jaber

Kuwaiti Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled al Jarallah said preparations are underway with the Turkish side for the visit of Kuwaiti Emir Sabah al Ahmad al Jaber al Sabah to Ankara next week.

Al Jarallah said there are contacts with the Turkish side over an expected visit by the Turkish president to Kuwait, according to Kuwaiti newspaper Al Qabas out Thursday.

The Kuwaiti emir will visit Turkey during March 20-22 for talks on a number of important issues topped by joint cooperation in the field of combating terrorism, region's security as well as conditions in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, according to sources.

The two sides will also probe enhancing Turkish-Kuwaiti economic ties.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had visited Kuwait in April 2015, while the Kuwaiti emir visited Turkey in April 2013 when Abdullah Gul was president of Turkey and Erdo?an was the-then prime minister.

Source: MENA