Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen

Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen said on Sunday that he had proposed delaying the planned visit to Denmark by Turkish Prime Minister Prime Minister Binali Yilderim.

In a press release, Rasmussen said the decision was made in light of the escalating tensions between Turkey on the one hand and Germany and the Netherlands on the other hand.

"Under normal circumstances, it would be a pleasure to welcome the Turkish Prime Minister Yildirim," Rasmussen said, noting that he had a "frank and constructive dialogue" with Ankara on Dec. 10, 2016, during his visit to Turkey.

"However, with the current Turkish attack on Holland, the meeting can not be seen separated from that. I have therefore suggested to my Turkish colleague that our meeting be postponed," the prime minister said in the press release.

Source: Xinhua