Bahrain-British Business Forum Vice Chairperson Paula Boast

Electricity and Water Affairs Minister Dr. Abdulhussain Mirza received Bahrain-British Business Forum Vice Chairperson Paula Boast, who is also a partner in the legal firm Charles Russell.
Ms. Boast gave the minister a presentation on the company’s services, activities and special projects in the field of renewable energy and its desire to take part in specialised investment projects in this field.

The minister spoke about Electricity and Water Authority (EWA)’s projects as well as the initiatives of the Sustainable Energy Unit and developments on the implementation of a number of initiatives mentioned of the National Energy Efficiency Plan (NEAAP) along with its intention to encourage investment in solar energy, wind energy and potential areas of cooperation with the private sector.

Ms. Boast expressed her deep thanks and appreciation to the minister and officials for their warm reception, cooperation and support.

Source: Fana News