Minister of Social Solidarity Ghada Wali

Minister of Social Solidarity Ghada Wali on Thursday met with Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit to discuss preparations for holding a conference on terrorism in the Arab world.

Wali is chairperson of the executive office of Arab ministers of social affairs.

The conference will be held in Sharm El Sheikh on February 27-28 under the theme "Terrorism in Arab World..Causes And Solutions."

The ministry said in a statement on Thursday that the conference will be attended by the Arab ministers in charge of social affairs with the aim of analyzing social causes of extremism and terrorism and means to confront these phenomena. 

The Arab social affairs ministers decided to hold the conference in Sharm El Sheikh during their annual meeting in Cairo several days ago.

During their meeting today, Wali invited Abul Gheit to participate in the event.

Source: MENA