Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry underlined Egypt's keenness on cooperating with Nile Basin countries within the framework of the Nile Basin initiative.

During a meeting on Saturday with Ugandan Foreign Minister Sam Kutesa on the fringe of the 28th session of the African Union in Addis Ababa, Shoukry highlighted the importance of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi's recent visit to Uganda.

The visit promoted bilateral ties in various domains alongside a host of regional and international issues of mutual concern, Egyptian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid said.

Abu Zeid said Egypt welcomes cooperating with Uganda in the fields of security, military and counter-terrorism alongside a solar power project in Kampala.

Shoukry highlighted the importance of encouraging businessmen to boost joint investments.

He also called for setting a new date for the joint ministerial committee convocation.

The two top diplomats also exchanged views on regional developments, especially in South Sudan and the Great Lakes region, the spokesman said.

Shoukry accentuated Egypt's preparedness to participate in the regional protection force due to be fanned out by the United Nations in South Sudan.

Egypt is also ready to participate in an international conference of the Great Lakes region and a gathering for inking a treaty on security, stability and development in Nairobi this year, the foreign minister said.

Kutesa asserted his country's keenness on cooperating with Egypt in various domains and activating the outcome of Sisi's important visit to Uganda.

He added that Uganda is interested in preparing for the joint committee meeting.

Source: MENA