Ukraine on Friday hailed the news that its Petrykivka art, the ornamental and decorative folk painting, has been inscribed on UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization's (UNESCO) Intangible Heritage List. "This is a historic event for our state and a powerful incentive to enhance the international image of Ukraine as a modern center for development of unique original art," Deputy Prime Minister Olexandr Vilkul told reporters. Vilkul said the recognition of Petrykivka art opens new opportunities for Ukraine to showcase its cultural potential to the rest of the world. Founded in the 18th century as talisman painting to protect people from evil, Petrykivka art is known for its bright natural elements, such as flowers and birds. Combining symbolism and baroque, Petrykivka art has become a part of the distinctive Ukrainian culture. In the town of Petrykivka, in eastern Ukraine, many locals still rely on this craft to make a living. Modern artists paint utensils, clothes, bags using this technology and also apply it in body-art. Ukraine's Petrykivka art was among 25 entries added to the World Intangible Cultural Heritage list during the eighth UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee session in Baku, Azerbaijan.