Open-Day for the inhabitants of block 711 in Tubli

Following directives from His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa to meet the citizens in order to get updated about their needs, the Ministry of Works (MoW) organised today an Open-Day for the inhabitants of Block 711 in Tubli, and informed them about the two road pavement projects.
Acting Director of Public Relations and Media Mohammed Salel Asheer said that the meeting was part of MoW’s meetings with citizens across the kingdom to inform them about the projects being implemented in their areas, in line with the directives of HRH Premier to open channels of communication with the citizens and residents in order to upgrade the quality of services provided for them, and the call of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Premier, for more concerted efforts to enhance interaction with the citizens.
He said that the meeting had focused on the projects and the safety requirements during the implementation process, as well as the citizens’ remarks and suggestions.
He added that the projects were part of the Government’s Programme to improve infrastructure in all areas in the Kingdom, pave dirt roads in urban areas and provide an integrated road network.
He pledged that following directives of the Minister of Works Eng. Essam bin Abdulla Khalaf, the MoW would intensify meetings with the citizens and residents in order to identify their needs and take them into consideration.
Those present expressed sincere thanks and appreciation to the MoW’s affiliates for their keen interest to reach out to them and be informed about their remarks.