German-Jordanian University (GJU)

Members of the German-Jordanian Friendship Society visited on Tuesday the German-Jordanian University (GJU) to learn first-hand about the university's academic experience and how it can help to cement educational ties between the two countries.
GJU President Nadir Abu Obeid said the university represents a cultural bridge between Jordan and the European countries through Germany, emphasising the importance of closer cultural ties with Jordan and the Middle East as a whole.
He said such solid relations would help to change the adverse stereotypical images propagated by the Western media about Arabs, and promote friendship between the young people in the Arab world and Europe.
The society's president, Helmut Henseler, briefed the meeting about his organisation's endeavour to spread awareness about the importance of cultural cooperation between Germany and the Arab countries.
Henseler praised the university's role in support of a youth exchange program launched by the Society nine years ago to enhance cultural ties.
Representative of International Relations at the University, Andrea Christiane, gave a briefing about the university's foundation, objectives and the academic system which combines both theoretical and practical approaches.
Jordanian participants in the meeting shared their personal experiences gained through their participation in the program, while those from Germany talked about the importance of the program and its role in introducing them to Jordan and the Arab civilisation.