Cairo - Arab Today
Initiated by Egyptian independent online news and analysis platform Mada Masr, the topics covered in this event will include: Arab music history, radio and the right to broadcast, music archive and copyright, the internet as a platform for sound dissemination and sound as a first draft of journalism. The panel includes Abdel-Rahman Hussein, journalist and founder of, Ahmed Kamal, founder of Gamafone online radio, Mustafa Said, musician and director of the Arab Music Archiving and Research Foundation. The panel will be moderated by electronic musician and founder of 100Copies Mahmoud Refat. A workshop on audio production revolving around storytelling offered to 10 journalists, artists and bloggers will take place from 4pm to 6pm on the same day. The Sound of Stories is part of a series dubbed Adad (Arabic for 'Number') and spanning six months, with a variety of events -- symposia, film screenings, music events, visual arts exhibitions and other endeavours -- clustered at the end of each month in Rawabet Theatre. Adad is the fruit of collaborative efforts from the Townhouse Gallery, Mada Masr, 100Copies Music, Cimatheque and Megawra. According to Townhouse Gallery's website, "Adad provides a space for these forward-thinking initiatives to energise collaborations, while strengthening each individual partner — to amplify each other’s work, while also exploring new ways of working. It’s a platform to share values, explore different possibilities for practice outside the scope of the mainstream, and to find the shared spaces between our different fields — all shared in public moments." Besides The Sound of Stories, Adad will also be presenting a screening of Mohamed Souied's 1998 Lebanese film Tango El-Amal (Tango of Yearning) on Tuesday, 8pm, in Rawabet -- curated by Cimatheque -- while on Thursday, 8pm, Aya Metwaly, Quit Together, Abdallah Meniawy and Ahmed Saleh will present music performances curated by 100Copies Music. Source: Ahram Online