The Chaabi music singer Malya Saadi enchanted on Tuesday night the audience during a concert where her beautiful and melodious voice, combined to a modern instrumentation, thrilled China coffee-house in Paris. Drawing on her last and remarkable album, \"Ya B’har,\" (Oh Sea) recently released in Algeria, Malya Saadi sang with a masterful talent, \"Sobhan lah ya l’tif\" peformed long ago by late Hadj Mohamed El Anka. The result is amazing. Sung by a female voice with a warm tone in contemporary character, this song written in 1970 by Mustapha Toumi, supported by a modern orchestration, with a battery and a bass, has captivated an audience that obviously knows well chaabi’s repertoire. Besides, Malya carried on her concert with the song \"Ya B’har\" written by Mahboob Stambouli and composed by the painter and singer H’ssicen Saadi, the father of this talented singer, in addition to \"Bienvenue dans ma vie\" (welcome to my life), with a reggae rhythm and a flawless interpretation of Georges Brassens’ repertoire and other songs of her own modern repertoire. It is no coincidence that Malya started singing Chaabi, a style that has always been considered as a male prerogative. \"I grew up in an propitious environment since my father is a Chaabi singer and everything started from here. I was at an early age when I was immersed in music, hence my love for it,\" she told APS shortly before the show. \"I tried many musical trials until I produced my album\" Ya B’har,\" she underlined. \"I really felt my interest in this music. It is true that have been in a period of self-seeking until I felt the need to go back to Chaabi,\" Malya stressed.