\'Books – Made in UAE\' project and will organise a workshop for 10 Emirati children’s book authors

The workshop will be conducted by Anja Tuckermann, one of Germany’s best- known children’s and young adults’ book authors from April 27 to 30 in Sharjah. For four days, participants will be given the opportunity to work with Anja Tuckermann on their story lines and book projects, discuss problems and challenges of writing for children and exchange ideas in a friendly and supportive environment. Participation is free but places are limited and priority will be given to those authors already working on a book project. Admittance will be based on the submission of a short synopsis of the book project. The language of communication during the workshop is English, according to organisers. The writers of children’s books working on book projects and interested to discuss their projects in the workshop, can send an e-mail with a short CV and some information about theirselves as well as a short synopsis of their work to the project coordinator Bettina Quabius at quabius@abudhabi.goethe.org. The “Books – Made in UAE” project is sponsored by the Emirates Foundation for Youth Development and Knowledge Without Borders.