Director of communication agency "Voir par le savoir" (see through knowledge), Abderrahmane Amalou said Sunday in Algiers audio books will made available for blind people to enable them access to all books they wish to read. "This initiative will allow the blind to find all types of books, poetry, novels and stories for children, simply by listening," Amalou told APS on the sidelines of the closing of the 15th international exhibition of tourism and travel. The Director of the agency, who has contributed to several books in Braille for the benefit of blind, stressed the exhibition "is an opportunity to highlight the need to support people with special needs in particular the blind and offer them the opportunity to travel." The exhibition, in which the category of blind participates for the third consecutive time, "allows this category to enjoy the touristic sites by the senses (hearing, touch and smell)." In the stand reserved to the blind, Braille books devoted to different areas were exposed, as well as modern teaching aids that allow the blind to have access to knowledge.