Algerian culinary art in all its diversity is, since Monday, being celebrated in Paris on the occasion of UNESCO African week, a yearly event highlighting a part of the continent’s tangible and intangible heritage. In the middle of African handicraft and gastronomic varieties, the Algerian stand is put up in the Piazza gardens. Traditional dishes and homemade drinks garnish the “Algeria-buffet” with on the top the couscous, a traditional dish peculiar to Northern African gastronomy for centuries. Present at the week’s opening ceremony, a representative of the ministry of Culture, Slimane Hachi told APS that Algeria has always participated in the UNESCO African event, held this year under the theme “Education and Science For Agriculture in Africa.” Before a tasting session of traditional African dishes, the permanent representatives of the UNESCO member states, including Algerian ambassador to France Amar Bendjama were invited to an exhibition, which opened on this occasion to highlight African craft industry in all its forms. Held from 26 to 28 May, the UNESCO African week will be marked by movie screenings, shows and themed conferences, at the initiative of the African group of UNESCO member states, chaired this year by Benin. Dance, music and fashion shows will wrap up the week during a gala scheduled for Wednesday with also an Arab-Andalusian music concert led by the Algerian master, Abdelwahab Reda Benabdellah. The African week is a yearly event which aims to increase Africa’s visibility through the enhancement of its cultural and artistic diversity.