Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation Farid Mujawar met here on Wednesday with the project official at the World Bank (WB) who is currently visiting Yemen.They discussed the implementation progress of the rain-fed agriculture and livestock project and the projects future plans and trends as well as the arrangements to operate and manage the Mocha veterinary quarantine in partnership between the public and private sectors in accordance with the international standards.The implementation level of biodiversity project's activities and the preparations for the food security project were also touched upon in the meeting.Mujawar valued the WB's role in support a number of projects in Yemen, particularly in the agricultural filed, urging the Bank to increase its aid to implement various agriculture projects.For his part, the WB official praised the implementing level of the rain-fed agriculture project and the progress in the biodiversity project, urging to be implemented as scheduled.He affirmed the WB's readiness to offer the required support to the developmental paths in Yemen.