New delhi - Agencies
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has advised banks to offer all customers a \'basic savings bank deposit accounts\' which will not insist on a minimum balance. \"Banks are being advised to offer a \'basic savings bank deposit account\' with certain minimum common facilities and without the requirement of a minimum balance to all their customers,\" the RBI said in its credit policy today. However, the central bank did not disclose more about the \'basic savings bank deposit account\' in its policy statement. As far as customers\' savings accounts in banks are concerned, at present, minimum balance in the savings accounts varies from Rs 500 to Rs 25,000, depending upon the nature of the accounts. It is higher in case of most private and foreign banks. RBI has also advised banks to initiate steps to allot a unique customer identification code (UCIC) number to all their customers. RBI said financial inclusion has been high on... its agenda. \"The nomenclature of the account in this manner has tended to signify that these accounts are opened more with a view to indicating achievement of numerical targets under the financial inclusion plans,\" it added....