The Jaffariya Endowments board of directors Chairman Sheikh Mohsen Al-Asfoor and the General Manager (GM) of Eskan Bank Dr. Khalid Abdullah explored aspects of future cooperation between the Directorate and the Bank.Sheikh Mohsen Al-Asfoor praised the outstanding efforts and fruitful cooperation of the private sector with organizations of the Government sector in boosting socio-economic development. He also praised the remarkable activity carried out by the Eskan Bank in boosting socio-economic development. He said the Endowments has a new strategic vision aimed to boost partnership with all the various economic and social institutions. The Directorate, he added, has adopted an ambitious plan aimed to bolster its assets and to grow its revenues in order to move to a new phase of giving so as to reach its planned objectives.Dr. Khalid Abdullah as well as the Acting Executive President for Property Develop Ayad Obeid presented a detailed overview about the efforts of the Bank in the housing and real estate investment sector aimed to boost sustainable socio-economic community development which creates business activity for establishments and individuals and meets their daily requirements and needs.The Director of Jaffariya Endowments Dr. Ali Al-Haddad was also present at the meeting.