Abu Dhabi - WAM
Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB) has been named the "Best Retail Bank in theUAE" for the sixth year by The Asian Banker.The bank received the award at The Asian Banker's International Excellence in Retail Financial Services 2014 Awards ceremony, held in conjunction with the region'smost prestigious retail banking event, the Excellence in Retail Financial ServicesConvention, at the Shangri-La Hotel, Sydney, Australia.On the occasion, Arup Mukhopadhyay, Executive Vice President and Head ofConsumer Banking at ADCB, said, "We are honoured to receive this award for thesixth year. This prestigious award emphasises ADCB's success in raising the benchmark for retail banking in the region and acknowledges the array ofinitiatives implemented to enhance customer experience and shareholder value. Welook forward to building on this success in 2014 and beyond." ADCB's core strategyof "Customer Centricity" has remained unchanged over the years and has helpedbuild a sustainable and profitable business. ADCB embraced new customer orientedbusiness measures like Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Life Time Value(CLV) in 2013. The central philosophy was based on listening to what customers aresaying about their experiences with ADCB, and then act accordingly on thisinformation, to drive meaningful improvements in business performance. Theperformance was also characterised by advancement in digital technology andgrowing significance of alternate channels - 90% of ADCB's retail financial transactions were conducted by customers through electronic channels.In 2013, ADCB adopted a new brand identity (Money Can't Buy Ambition) tocelebrate the idea that the aspirations and actions of ambitious people makes greatthings happen and that money is just a facilitator. The new positioning is warmer,friendlier and in line with ADCB's strategy to differentiate itself on the basis ofcustomer experience. ADCB also identified "operational excellence" as an importantcatalyst to deliver the customer centric experience, and established a new shared services company "ITMAM". Bank-wide operational support activities wereconsolidated to improve responsiveness and agility, to deliver an improved anddifferentiated customer experience.