Abu Dhabi - WAM
he Abu Dhabi Police Traffic and Patrols Directorate has announced the installation of traffic light cameras at a further 10 intersections in Abu Dhabi, bringing the total number of intersections fitted with cameras to 36. This step was implemented as part of the first phase of a project that aims to install traffic control systems at all intersections in line with Abu Dhabi Police's traffic safety strategy to make roads safer. Brigadier Hussein Ahmed Al Harithi, Director of Traffic and Patrols Directorate at Abu Dhabi Police, said that the cameras used to monitor traffic violators at Abu Dhabi intersections operate with state-of-the-art technology and high efficiency. The cameras use infrared technology that captures images without the use of flash in order to catch violators. "The traffic control cameras are 3D thermal cameras covering more than five lanes in each direction. They are multifunctional, and include infrared license plate readers. They are used to determine the numbers and types of passing vehicles, estimating the average speed, and determining the number and direction of pedestrians while traffic signals turn green and red," noted Brigadier Al Harithi. He said that as part of the monitoring system which was launched by the directorate at the beginning of 2012, 150 light-controlled junctions will be fitted with surveillance cameras in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, and the Western Region.