Tel Aviv - XINHUA
An Israeli observation satellite is now in orbit and transmitting data and visual material following its launch last week. The spacecraft, called Ofek 10, was lifted into orbit on a Shavit launcher from an Israeli Air Force test range. It is a project of the research and development department of Israel's Ministry of Defense and Israel Aerospace Industries. "Ofek 10 is an observation remote-sensing satellite that employs synthetic aperture radar technology with advanced "high-resolution" imagery, capable of operating day or night and in all weather conditions," IAI said. "Ofek 10 was developed on previous experience accrued during the development and production of the Ofek series of advanced satellites, the first of which was launched in 1988." Among Israeli companies that cooperated in the development and production of the satellite and launcher were Rafael, Elbit System's Spectralink, Rokar, and Israel Military Industries. The Intelligence branch of Israel Defense Force and Air Force were also involved. Copyright 2014 United Press International, Inc. (UPI). Any reproduction, republication, redistribution and/or modification of any UPI content is expressly prohibited without UPI's prior written consent.