Tehran - FNA
Iranian researchers who participated in the international nanotechnology conference in Indonesia received a wide acclaim for their articles. 11 countries which have a say in the filed of nanotechnology, including the Islamic Republic of Iran, took part in the three-day international event which ended its work Wednesday. The participants studied various aspects of nanotechnology and its impacts on sustainable green economy as well as reducing hazards resulting in climate changes. Some 30 experts from Iran, Australia, Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Morocco, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia presented their articles during the conference. Iran has achieved eye-catching breakthroughs in the field of nano-science and technology, an Iranian official announced in July, adding that the country ranks 1st in the field of nano science production in the region. Iran ranked first in nanoscience in the region and the eighth in the world by producing 4 percent of the world's nanoscience, Secretary-General of Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council (INIC) Saeed Sarkar announced. He added that production of nanoscience has taken an increasing trend as the country has advanced 50 levels during 2000-2012 period.