Indian boy Rifath Sharook

KalamSat, the world's smallest and lightest satellite developed by an Indian boy Rifath Sharook, will be launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) on June 21.

The launch will be a milestone moment for the 18-year-old Sharook, whose satellite weighs only 64 grammes. He hails from Pallapatti town in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu.

'KalamSat' is named after India's nuclear scientist and former President APJ Abdul Kalam.

Sharook's project - the first to be manufactured via 3D printing - got selected through a competition, 'Cubes in Space', sponsored jointly by Nasa and 'I Doodle Learning', Business Standard reports.

Sharook said it would be a sub-orbital flight and after launch the mission span would be 240 minutes

Source: Khaleej Times