Graphic card trade booming in Turkey

Professional graphic card technologies and business is booming in Turkey, Tayfun Erkeskin, the President and CEO of Technology, Energy, and Transfer (TET) Company said here on Tuesday. Interviewed by KUNA, Tayfun noted that since the past two years, the graphic cards business and technology, in particular professional graphic cards, are becoming more powerful and efficient, the business, especially in Turkey as he put it \"is very much booming. As far as we know in Southern Europe, our company is considered today the biggest supplier of graphic industries and products.\" Not only due to the economy facilitating such growth, but also the company\'s efforts to better serve the graphic market were very much a factor. Based in Istanbul, TET is an engineering and marketing firm which specializes in providing high-end graphic cards to different types of customers, and in marketing and distribution of such products, and has consultations with various clients from different sectors. \"Our company was founded in 1996 to serve the CAD (Computer Aided Design) community and animation world in turkey, which was starting to grow, just as the economy, and as construction companies (were also) going big,\" said Tayfun. In terms of consultation, TET offers clients a developing plan for a new business utilizing the technology, but also rectifies their current systems, and any already established model. \"We are acting on a vertical market; we had to advise clients, even before purchase, on the type of graphic card technology they want to use,\" added Tayfun. TET\'s clients are both large companies and regular users of the technology. \"We are always there for our broad-line customers and end-users. We offer them consultations and advice on the best product we think they need to reach their goal,\" Tayfun said. Asked about the business in the Arabian Gulf, the TET Chief said he has never been to Kuwait, but had business with both Qatar and Dubai.