Android becoming most attacked mobile platform in Q2

The amount of malware targeted at devices based on Google\'s Android platform surged 76 percent in the second quarter over the previous three months in 2011, making it the most attacked mobile operating system, computer security firm McAfee said on Tuesday. A new McAfee study found that in the second quarter, Android- based malware surpassed Nokia\'s Symbian as the most popular target for mobile malware developers. While Symbian and Java ME, a platform designed for mobile devices and other embedded systems, remain the most targeted to date, the rapid rise in Android malware indicates that the platform could become an increasing target for cyber criminals McAfee said. It warned that the attacks on Android platform could affect everything from calendar apps, to text messages, and even a fake Angry Birds updates. According to the study, malware on mobile platforms is increasing steadily, often mimicking the same code as personal computer-based threats, as vast amount of personal and business data are now found on user\'s smartphones and other mobile devices. \"This year we\'ve seen record-breaking numbers of malware, especially on mobile devices, where the uptick is in direct correlation to popularity,\" Vincent Weafer, senior vice president of McAfee Labs, said in a statement. \"Overall attacks are becoming more stealth and more sophisticated, suggesting that we could see attacks that remain unnoticed for longer periods of time,\" he noted.