The Center of Digital Innovation

The Center of Digital Innovation, CoDI, in the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, TRA, has won the Global Mobile Government Award during the Mobile Government World Summit 2017, held recently in the United Kingdom.
More than 100 teams from around the world participated in the competition, and the participating UAE Project was ranked first regionally, and second globally as the best implementer of smart technologies in the development of government services and future shaping.
Majid Al Madhloum, Director of CoDI, received the award on behalf of the TRA.
Commenting on this achievement, Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, TRA Director-General, said, "We are proud that Emirati innovation projects are valued in international forums, which indicates the position of our beloved country. In this framework, we continue to work in accordance with our wise leadership's directives, to apply the concepts of creativity and innovation to develop projects, plans and programmes that contribute in achieving sustainability, and reaching the highest levels of happiness that represents the ultimate goal of the UAE's mGovernment.’ Al Mansoori added, "I would like to extend our appreciation to the employees of CoDI, and urge them to work more closely with the brothers in government entities, in order to achieve the Centre’s objectives in establishing a culture of innovation, as well as enhancing national capacities, to endure the burdens of major developments of the future, in particular, transitioning towards smart cities, and intensive utilisation of artificial and digital intelligence.’ CoDI was established as part of the implementation of the national mGovernment plan in the UAE. It aims to enhance the digital process in the country through research, innovation, education, training, skills development, quality assurance and provision of advisory services. CoDI provides a motivational environment for innovation, research and exploration of new ways to develop and provide smart government services, in addition to providing a central collaboration platform.

Source: WAM