51 things you'll never regret doing
'could've, should've, would'ves'

You only live once, right? So why waste time worrying about the "could've, should've, would'ves" when you could be focusing on all the great things about life instead.
Do what you love, take risks, and learn from your mistakes — because they happen for a reason! Here are 50+ things that you will never regret doing, so keep these in mind when you're making decisions, and you'll be happier for it.
1. Rereading your favorite book.
2. Saying "I love you" when you really mean it.
3. Photographing important moments.
4. Taking a long, hot bath.
5. Watching the sun rise.
6. Eating a healthy meal.
7. Following through with something even when it gets hard.
8. Apologizing.
9. Following your passion.
10. Making exercise a priority.
11. Taking classes that you're really interested in.
12. Spending time with the people you love.
13. Getting your annual checkup.
14. Letting go of bad relationships.
15. Taking a much-needed nap.
16. Skipping alcohol.
17. Treating someone kindly.
18. Drinking a big glass of water.
19. Going on a new adventure.
20. Saying thank you.
21. Going to bed an hour earlier.
22. Being yourself.
23. Hugging whenever you get the chance.
24. Listening to your parents' advice.
25. Putting money aside to save for later.
26. Giving something all you've got.
27. Learning CPR.
28. Slowing down to enjoy the little things in life.
29. Falling in love.
30. Trying something that scares you.
31. Washing your face before bed.
32. Learning to cook.
33. Taking a day off of work.
34. Writing things down that you want to remember.
35. Quitting a job you really hate.
36. Traveling somewhere new.
37. Writing a thank you note.
38. Not taking yourself too seriously.
39. Quitting a bad habit.
40. Watching the sun set.
41. Doing the dishes after you finish eating.
42. Helping someone in need.
43. Setting up an automatic 401k deduction.
44. Adopting a pet.
45. Standing up for what you believe in.
46. Learning a new language.
47. Paying someone a genuine compliment.
48. Seeing your favorite band of all time play.
49. Forgiving someone.
50. Wearing sunscreen.
51. Loving yourself.