Being single on Valentine’s Day can be really depressing. There’s nothing more annoying than watching a couple coo over each other while you feel alone and unloved. The day of love can often serve as a reminder that two months into a brand new year, you still haven’t managed to find love. But don’t despair, here are five reasons you should be glad you’re single on Valentine’s Day. 1.Scoff at couples When you’re single, couples in love have the ability to make your stomach turn. From silly little pet names like “pumpkin” and “bubi” to inappropriate PDAs that make you want to shout “Get a room!” Couple’s are undoubtedly annoying to those not in the fold. So as a singleton, you can take pleasure in mocking their ridiculous behaviour and console yourself that whatever happens, you will never end up as one of “those” couples. 2.Save money Not to sounds cynical, but think of all the money you’ll be saving from not having to fork out for a present on Valentine’s Day. Let’s face it ladies, aftershave and chocolates are no longer enough to satisfy. Experience days, spa treatments and designer wallets have become the norm for this generation – all of which can cost a small fortune. Think how good it will feel to take that small fortune and spend it on you.  Go on, treat yourself! 3. No Pressure Planning the perfect Valentine’s Day is stressful, but couple’s can’t opt out. You’ve probably lost count of the number of times that one of my friends has said that they’re not going to make a big fuss this year, only to find them panicking days before, ruthlessly searching for a “creative” gesture that will impress their partner. As a singleton, you can put your feet up and unburden yourself from the meaningless task of finding the perfect gift to express your love. Let’s get real; nothing says “I love you” like actually saying “I love you”. 4.Sweet freedom If you’re single on Valentine’s Day then remind yourself that the world is your oyster. Unlike couples, who are obliged to spend it together, you can do whatever you want. Why not gather a group of your single friends and head to the spa. Remember that unlike committed couples, you still have the option to find love or a casual flirt whenever you choose. So use this day to treat yourself and appreciate your independence. 5. A commercial break Everyone knows that Valentine’s Day is a huge waste of time and money. Even most couples will admit that by next week, they won’t even remember the gifts they received let alone what they actually did on the day. You only have to look at Clinton’s post-Valentine’s sale on teddy bears, to feel better about not wasting your money on a commercial holiday devised by stationers. The saying goes that “every cloud has a silver lining” so if you’re single this Valentine’s Day, you now have five reasons to be thankful.