Eminent Egyptian journalist and novelist Yusuf Zidane has affirmed that Suzanne Mubarak, wife of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, still holds the position of President of the Board of Trustees in the Library of Alexandria. The reports follow efforts to calm the workers staging a sit-in demanding the library director step down and the Board of Directors dissolved, particularly Kamal Abul-Magd and Abdel-Aziz Hegazi who have close relations with Suzanne Mubarak. Zidane added in an interview with Rotana satellite channel that the spouse of the former president was still paid a salary. Suzanne Mubarak would then join the list of former regime icons who receive salaries from the state in spite of receiving judicial penalties, along with former Minister of Interior Habib Al-Adli and officers accused of killing protesters. Members of the Library of Alexaria Youth Coalition managed to obtain highly classified documents regarding the relation of director Dr. Ismael Seragedin with figures in the previous regime. Among these documents was a report written by Seragedin on a Board of Trustees meeting last April where he stated in bold that Suzanne Mubarak "was still President". Seragedin said on the same page that he had notified the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) of the legal position of the board and its right to replace Suzanne Mubarak, but to no avail. Some library workers said they were concerned about SCAF's insistence to keep Seragedin in his position, due to his past with the regime. They alleged that sacking him would lead to the unerathing of corruption directly related to Suzanne Mubarak. The confidential documents also included a letter to the Prime Minister Kamal Ganzouri claiming that the library was attacked by "biased people" who submitted "biased reports" against it.