A Moroccan women’s rights organisation will look into the case of former-Minister and member of the Socialist Party, Mohamed Mbarki after he was accused of assaulting his wife. Mbarki’s wife, Siham has accused Mbarki of both physical assault and emotional torture. Mbarki denied the allegations to Arabstoday, but a close source to Siham, who married Mohamed last summer, said that Mbarki has refused to speak to his wife about having children. “Siham thinks that her husband is using her and wants to deprive her from becoming a mother”, the source said. The source said that Siham was surprised to find out that Mohamed had been married several times before her. Siham was apparently even more surprised when Mohamed announced last Ramadan that he had decided to not have children with her. In the heated discussion that ensued, Mohammed beat Siham up, the source said. Siham went to hospital and had a medical certificate issued that confirmed the violence. Siham has also filed a lawsuit against her husband demanding compensation after he walked out on her for four months earlier this year.