Jihan Al Sadat, late President Anwar Al Sadat’s wife has denied rumours that ousted President Mubarak could be involved in her husband’s murder. In an interview with Al Hayat Egyptian TV station she said: “if I had one clue that Mubarak killed Sadat I would not have left him alone even when he was a President.” She explained that she did not say that Sadat was wrong in choosing Mubarak as his Vice President, pointing out that when Mubarak was chosen for this post he was a military man committed to military protocols and did not change the way he did in his last days. As for her relationship with Susan Mubarak, Jihan said that there was a time when both families did not speak for a long while, but recovered their relationship afterwards. She noted that Susan appreciated her and had always got in touch with her. Jihan stressed that she has dignity and did not force a relationship with them. Furthermore, Jihan pointed out that she does not want revenge on Islamist groups that assassinated killed her, and that she did not at all refuse the release of Aboud and Tareq Al-Zumar after ending their time in prison. As for the current Presidential candidates she said that Mohammad Salim Al-Awa, Doctor Mohamed ElBaradei and Amro El Bastweiti are the most prominent nominees.