Nassima Raji, the young Moroccan woman who received a bullet in her head in the terrorist attack

Nassima Raji, the young Moroccan woman who received a bullet in her head in the terrorist attack on New Year’s Eve in Istanbul, is “out of danger” after surgery.

Nassima Raji and her twin sister were among the Moroccans wounded in the terrorist mass shooting at the high-end restaurant and lounge the Reina in Istanbul during the New Year’s Eve celebration, which claimed the lives of 39 people and wounded 69.

Nassima’s condition was described as critical after she received a bullet in the left side of her head, just below her ear, as reported by the French-language news source Le360.

A couple of days after the surgery, Nassima began “opening her eyes and her current situation is stable.” She is now under an artificial coma, where she will remain for a few days. According to the same source, the medical service will be able to assess her situation after three days.

Nassima will remain in the resuscitation service until the results of her checkup are made public by the medical team, which was described as “highly professional.”

In addition to Nassima and her sister, two other Moroccans were wounded in the attack. Their situations were described as “more or less severe.”

Morocco’s ambassador to Turkey, Menouar Alem, formed a “crisis cell” in Istanbul immediately after the news of the incident broke. On January 3, Alem headed to the hospital to check on the wounded.

The remains of the two Moroccans who died in the attack were repatriated to Morocco on January 3.

Source:Morocco World News