UN Goodwill Ambassador and Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie praised Lebanon’s efforts in helping Syrian refugees fleeing the bloodshed in their country. The A list star met and spoke with displaced Syrians living in Lebanon. She said: “I have met number of the families who were received and protected in homes, not camps. They are grateful to Lebanon and the Lebanese people…..I visited some homes where I inspected a special case and met three women and their children. The meeting was impressive and the women were very thankful. “I realise the difficulties faced by the Lebanese, especially with regard to economy, yet this means a lot. It means they are generous and kind and I hope that the world recognises this,” she added. Jolie discussed the issue with Lebanon’s President Michel Sleiman and Prime Minister Najib, in the presence of UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Lebanon Antonio Guterres and Social Affairs Minister Wael Abu Faour. Guterres called for more support from the international community. He said: “The international community should exert more effort to express its support with the Syrian refugees who are suffering a lot and also to back the hosting countries such as Lebanon. Despite its economical crisis and social and infrastructure difficult problems, it willingly receives refugees from Syria. “Lebanon keeps its borders and the hearts and homes of its people opened for their brothers coming from Syria.”