The journalist partner of French Socialist presidential candidate Francois Hollande tweeted on Thursday that she was furious to find herself splashed on the front of the Paris Match magazine she works for. \"What a shock to find yourself on the front page of your own paper. I am angry to see the use of photos without my agreement and without letting me know,\" Valerie Trierweiler posted on Twitter. The journalist, who may soon be France\'s first lady, was pictured on the front of the glossy weekly alongside her long-standing partner. \"Francois Hollande\'s charming asset. The story of how their love was born,\" ran the front-page headline, followed up inside by several pages of pictures and text about the couple. Trierweiler, who supports Hollande on the campaign trail and has an office at his headquarters, in a later tweet sarcastically congratulated Paris Match for its \"sexism on International Women\'s Day\". The magazine\'s Twitter page shot back with an equally sarcastic reply. \"It\'s true, Valerie. We didn\'t discuss the front page with you. That\'s Match\'s independence. You are best placed to understand that,\" it said. Trierweiler has worked for Paris Match -- which provides a mix of politics, celebrity and reportage -- since 1989, but last November agreed not to cover politics for the magazine during the presidential campaign. The 46-year-old divorced mother of three also hosts political programmes on television. Hollande, 57, is the former partner of Segolene Royal, who lost the 2007 presidential vote to the current French leader Nicolas Sarkozy. Hollande and Royal had four children together but split before the vote.