Hillary Clinton, winner of this year\'s Chatham House Prize, spoke today at Chatham House on a range of issues including Iran, the Arctic and Saudi women. On a possible rapprochement with Iran she said: \'It\'s too soon to tell. The new leadership in Iran is approaching the issues in a more collegial, diplomatic way. But there has been no change in policy yet.\' On the Greenpeace activists being held in Russia: \'There should be a greater international outcry over Russia\'s arrest of Greenpeace activists and charging them with piracy. Ultimately, President Putin will decide what is in his country\'s interest, but that needs to be balanced by a real outcry.\' On the Arctic: \'People are going to wake up in a couple of years and ask, why didn\'t we do something about this. There needs to be more done on developing the rules of the road in the Arctic. The Arctic will become an increasingly trafficked part of our world.\' On the Saudi women defying their country\'s driving ban: \'I\'m all for it. It is an issue that is symbolic, as you know well. In today\'s world [the current policy] is hard to even rationalise.\'