March is National Women's History Month celebrating this year's theme "Our History is Our Strength," highlighting the unique sphere of women's achievements. This year's theme, touching on strength rooted in history, has a proverbial ring for media expert and Organic Marketing(TM) pioneer, Gillian Christie, founder and CEO of Christie Communications (, a company with a rich history and a dynamic vision to redefine mainstream marketing. Born the daughter of artist and Bauhaus architect, Peter Christie, entrepreneur Gillian Christie observed first-hand what it meant to create sustainable beauty and leave a unique and sensitive mark on society and culture. Out of her father's example, Ms. Christie developed a public relations technology called Organic Marketing(TM) implemented in partnership with ethical entrepreneurs to build their dreams into iconic structures and mainstream products, while using minimal and sustainable resources. The Christie Difference As a pioneer and woman business owner, Gillian Christie brings a unique sensitivity to branding, marketing and public relations. Where other firms focus on expensive 'shotgun' marketing, Ms. Christie's signature Organic Marketing(TM) produces campaigns that are more holistic in nature, taking into account people--from the client to the media to the end customer--as well as the resources used in the marketing process. Footprint of Success Since launching the business in 1994, Christie Communications has attracted an impressive client roster, partly due to Ms. Christie's disarming directness about the firm's commitment to work only with ethical companies, but mostly as a result of her track record as a visionary business woman. Ms. Christie describes the success of Organic Marketing(TM) as "not simply marketing organic products but marketing ethical products and services organically." David Jeromin, Managing Member of Golden Mean Capital, sums up his experience with Christie Communications: "As a Socially Responsible Venture Firm, it was imperative that our marketing partner possesses a critical understanding of the SR sector and its stakeholders, let alone provide high quality marketing services. Gillian, a pioneer in the promotion of ethical business practices, and the rest of the Christie Communications team, met our needs with a marketing strategy that maximized our reach, while preserving our vision." In celebration of National Women's History Month, Gillian Christie draws from her past in order to build a future where the dreams of ethical entrepreneurs become iconic brands for a sustainable tomorrow.