The freed prisoner Samar Sbeih confirmed that the Palestinians detainees in the Israeli prisons are enthusiastic since they heard the news of their release in the exchange deal with the captivated Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, in Gaza. Sbeih confirmed during a phone call with “Arabs Today” on Thursday morning, that upon her hearing the news of the exchange deal on Tuesday evening, and releasing agreement of all the Palestinians prisoners, she immediately ran out of her house to declare the news on the radio. the prisoners listened to Sbeih delivering the news one of the radio stations available in prison in Gaza. While she announced the deal, she urged them to start packing their bags and get ready to get out of the darkness of that place. Sobeih said that “the prisoners received the news with joy and patriotic songs while praying for the Almighty God for this victory.” This is is the first time since 1997, that Israeli prisons are cleared from all of the Palestinians detainees, as Sbeih pointed in her speech, she also pointed out that Gaza sector will welcome the prisoner Wafaa Al Bess a resident of the northern Gaza Strip. As for the other prisoners, they are all from the West Bank. Sbeih explained that her joy is beyond description, the Israeli occupation has always insisted on exchanging Shalit with five prisoners only. Today they had to bend over under the pressure of the resistance and release 1027 prisoners. Sbeih noted that the prisoners in the Israeli jails do not know yet whether their name is mentioned in the deal or not. She also said that her excitement is saddened because 5000 other prisoners will stay behind bars. Among the prisoners 27 women were captured, they are all expected to be released. Gaza strip will be looking forward to seeing Wafaa Al Bess freed. A welcoming celebration will be held for the occasion in the West Bank and in Gaza strip. Sabeih ended her message by calling the Palestinian resistance to capture more Israeli soldiers in order to free the rest of the prisoners.