Angelina Jolie (C)

Angelina Jolie collected the Kids' Choice Award for Favorite Villain for her portrayal of the titular fairy queen in Maleficent Saturday night.
"I want to say that when I was little, like Maleficent, I was told that I was different and I felt out of place and too loud, too full of fire, never good at sitting still, never good at fitting in. And then, one day, I realized something, something I hope you all realize: different is good," Jolie said in her acceptance speech. "And, as your villain, I would say, cause a little trouble. It's good for you."
The 39-year-old mother of six young children made headlines last week when she disclosed she recently underwent elective surgery to remove her ovaries and fallopian tubes since she has the BRCA1 gene mutation, which greatly increases her risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer. The Oscar-winning actress had a double mastectomy two years ago as a preventative measure, as well. She has lost her mother, grandmother and aunt to cancer.
Source: UPI