Jalaa Ismail al-Azhari, the daughter of Sudanese leader, congratulated the Sudanese people on the 57th anniversary of the country’s independence. Speaking to Arabstoday, Jalaa appealed to Sudan’s political leaders, party chiefs and others interested in the country’s welfare to preserve the country. The daughter of Sudan’s first prime minister and the first man to raise the Sudanese flag after the country won its independence in 1956 told Arabstoday “at the moment of its independence, Sudan was united, north and south, east and west, but today it faces problems and dangers that threaten its future and the unity of its soil.” “The south seceded because we did not hold on to it and look after it as well as we should have,” she said and expressed her hope that the new year will bring better times to the people of Sudan “who have made sacrifices throughout history.” The member of the Democratic Unionist Party, founded by her late father, said the anniversary “is an event that means a great deal to the people of Sudan,” referring to a “dear price” paid for the independence. “The world of today is a world of blocs, interests and alliances,” she said, impressing the need for Sudan to enhance its Arab, regional and foreign relations. “Sudan,” she added, “is qualified for a pioneering and leading role and everyone bets on its bounty and resources, not only for its own people, but also for its neighbours and friends.” Jalaa’s name refers to the evacuation of the British troops from Sudan.