An official report has revealed that 50 Yemeni men were killed by their spouses during 2012, indicating an increase in violence from women towards men. The women used various tools, including firearms and sneaking poison, to kill their partners. The number of the crimes committed by women towards men is half of the number of murders committed by Yemeni men against women last year. The report issued by the Centre for Security Information from Yemen\'s Interior Ministry said that the incidents were distributed among 6 provinces, including the capital Sanaa, while the report did not mention any crimes committed in the southern and eastern provinces. \"The women who committed murder were aged between 25 to 50 years, and the crimes were committed in the capital, along with Mahweet, Taiz and Amran,\" said the report. The reports explained that \"crimes committed by Yemeni women in 2012 were mostly murders, and that most of the victims were the spouses,\" noting that some of the crimes committed by women targeted other women. The report pointed out that these crimes which affected spouses were committed with the assistance of relatives or male lovers. As for the motives behind the crimes, the report identified \"uneven marriage, domestic violence, and the ulterior emotional motives,\" in addition to other reasons, notably, the inferiority of women in the Yemeni family, plus economic pressures.