Petition Calls on Spain to Release Women Detained in Tindouf Camps

An international petition hosted on is calling upon the Spanish government to pressure the Polisario into releasing women being held in Tindouf Camps to bring an end to family tragedies.

Authors of the petition for the liberation of the Sahrawis being detained in Tindouf Camps against their will, are asking Spanish government authorities to exert pressure on the Polisario front to release the women.

The petition urges the government to suspend “all forms of institutional, economic or financial aid” intended for the Tindouf Camps, until these Sahrawis return to their families in Spain. So far the petition has attracted over 1500 signatures.

The petition calls the young women “… victims of a tribal society that exerts all sorts of violence and discrimination against them.” Such is the case of Maloma Morales, a Spanish national captured and held for over a year in Tindouf Camps. Her parents have ceaselessly campaigned for her safe return to Spain.

According to French-language news source, Le360, the Spanish house of parliament’s lower chamber, the Congress of Deputies, was summoned last December to hear the cases of more than one hundred Sahrawi women detained in Algeria.

The Foreign Affairs Committee at the Congress of Deputies then received the Representatives of the host families of these women, followed by a communiqué stating that the families of the detainees have informed the members of the Congress of Deputies of the human rights violation committed by the Polisario against these female Sahrawis.

Members of the Congress of Deputies expressed their support for the host families and promised to put every possible effort into the release of these young women back to their families.

Source :Morocco World News