EU calls for strengthening cooperation in education, training
Education and Training Monitor

The European Union (EU) called for strengthening cooperation in education and training up to 2020, and especially to promote social inclusion in schools around Europe, according to a European Commission press release on Tuesday.

The draft joint report, published by the Commission and EU member states, called for making European education and training systems more socially inclusive. The initiative is part of wider efforts to tackle radicalization following the attacks in Paris and Copenhagen earlier this year.

The report proposed a sharper policy focus to better address the most pressing challenges facing European society.

The new priorities identified in the report included improving people's skills and employment prospects, and creating open, innovative, and digital learning environments, while at the same time cultivating fundamental values of equality, non-discrimination, and active citizenship.

Moreover, the report also proposed to set the new priorities for five years, replacing previous three-year cycles, to enable a longer-term impact.

"Young Europeans are facing common challenges that need joint responses. The threat of radicalization shows how urgently we need to improve education prospects across all our communities. Together with education ministers we will strengthen our joint work to reduce early school leaving, counter social exclusion, and support diverse classrooms all over Europe," said Tibor Navracsics, EU Commissioner for education, culture, youth and sport.

"Youth employment is a top priority for this Commission. Relevant and high-quality skills are needed more than ever to find a job today. Better cooperation in education and training will help to raise skills and competence levels to tackle skills mismatches and thus support young Europeans to successfully enter the labor market," added Marianne Thyssen, EU Commissioner for employment, social affairs, skills and labor mobility.

The Council of Europe is expected to adopt the report by the end of the year.