WikiLeaks receives requests "every day" from media outlets keen to work with it, the whistleblower's website spokesman said today, as he also sought to confirm that the site has "not finished" in its publications. Speaking at the Polis International Journalism conference today Kristinn Hrafnsson said the mainstream media still has an "appetite" to work with the site and that it has ongoing working relationships with "almost 100" outlets across the world. "We have not finished in our publications" he added, weeks after the site began publishing the first of millions of emails from US-based "global intelligence" provider Stratfor. This involved an "investigative partnership" with 25 media outlets worldwide, WikiLeaks said at the time. Today Hrafnsson said the "real problem" is gaining access to material. In 2010 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange announced that the site had to close its submission system while it dealt with the amount of material it had accumulated. Hrafnsson said at the time the site "could not have done justice to material that would have entered". "We have been working on a new gateway, which will open hopefully soon, when we are ready to open it. "There have been obstacles in creating that," he said, adding that it has been "more technologically challenging that we had expected". "There is a constant race with keeping this secure and the ability to crack codes and find out where material comes from. "Our submission system two years ago would not have been adequate today. We hope this will be a model for receiving information in the future. "It's not just about WikiLeaks, we hope that others will copy that model and there will be more huge leaks".