The headlines and summaries of the editorials and main articles of Tehran's Principlist papers this morning: Javan: The Lebanese people and Hezbollah resistance movement celebrated the anniversary of the liberation of Southern Lebanon. The Zionists in the past 14 years and after May 25, 2000 have experienced three major defeats in 2006, 2008 and 2010. The victories of Hezbollah against Israel in Lebanon have been achieved despite the western support for the Zionist regime. Israel should expect more defeats in the future if it dares to attack Southern Lebanon as the US and its other western supporters are not in the position that they were in 14 years ago. Kayhan: The recent statements by the political leader of the Palestinian Resistance Hamas Movement Khaled Mashaal in support of the Syrian president which came in return for Bashar Al-Assad's supports for the Palestinian cause shows a sudden change in the Palestinian movement's attitude towards the Syrian government. Mashaal's statements are important because they indicate that Hamas has once again returned to the Iran-Syria-Hezbollah alliance. Siasat-e Rouz: The presidential election in Egypt lasted for two days. The Egyptian expatriates went to the polls in previous days. According to a number of polls, General Al-Sisi with 94 percent of the votes has the lead. Egypt's election is more important for the Arab and western countries than any other country for several reasons. First, the Arab and western countries are trying to portray that Egyptians are trying to distance themselves from the Islam-oriented currents such as Muslim Brotherhood. Second, they want to induce that Al-Sisi's victory means suppression and detention of Muslim Brotherhood leaders is justified and supported by people's vote for Al-Sisi. Resalat: The nuclear talks and resistance economy should make progress in parallel to each other. The Iranian team of negotiators in the talks with the world power should be supported because the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei has full supervision over the ongoing nuclear talks. We are engaged in a full-fledged economic war with the West and we should try to become triumphant in this war like the eight-year Iran-Iraq war.