Behind the scenes of the election campaign, which is on its 13th day, and thepotential war waged by the candidates to the presidential election of April 17 on thesocial networks to draw the maximum numbers of voters, caught the attention ofnewspapers.In “Stories of the campaign,” El Watan weekend paper devoted two pages to behindthe scenes of the election campaign of candidates Louisa Hanoune and MoussaToauti.The paper focused on the mobilization of the militants of the Workers’ Party (PT) inTizi Ouzou in favour of their candidate Hanoune.The party’s members militate in the “indifference” of the population towards the17th April presidential election.El Khabar paper highlighted the “war” waged by the six candidates on the socialnetworks, particularly facebook where the conduct of the campaign is followed andshared in real time with internet users.Echorouk El Yaoumi paper devoted two pages to the statements of some candidateswho promised, once elected, to lead judicial, constitutional and administrativereforms.