President Abdel Fattah El Sisi

 US papers and media spotlighted Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi's speech before the UN General Assembly in New York.
The ABC news published a report titled "Egypt's president says terrorism is a plague." It said that Sisi stressed that Islamic extremists must not be allowed to abuse Islam and called for intensifying efforts to fight them.
It is imperative, he said that the world intensifies cooperation and coordination to end the support for violent radical organizations, according to the report.
He pledged to build a "new Egypt" that respects rights and freedoms.
The PBS news also focused on Sisi's speech before the UN General Assembly in New York. It said in a report that Egypt is the minaret of the moderate Islam and that it has restored its dignity and trust in its capabilities.
The report added that Egypt is working hard to rebuild its economy and this was stressed in Sisi's speech.
The report also pointed out to the new waterway project in Egypt.