UAE newspaper

A UAE newspaper on Friday slammed the Human Rights Watch's latest report on human rights in the UAE as " fictitious" and said that the international watchdog group continues to exercise its ugly habit of distorting realities and levelling unjust accusations for purposes that are well known to everybody.
In its editorial, the UAE's Arabic newspaper Al-Roeya said that Human Rights Watch is using " completely biased language " when "it has failed to differentiate between security and chaos and between terrorism and combatting terrorism." Casting doubts on the real aims of the rights group, the newspaper said that Human Rights Watch spins stories about saboteurs who have wreaked havoc in the Arab region, and resorts to defending terrorists.
The intention of Human Rights Watch is to "target the achievements which the UAE has made " through inciting " spite-driven unrest ", added the UAE newspaper.
The human rights group's discourse, the paper went on to say, " relies on begging for credibility " and "attempting to evoke sympathy".
"Based on its outstanding achievements and well-deserved merit, the UAE will continue its march towards the future ignoring the anger-driven lies," concluded the UAE newspaper.
On the same topic, in another article entitled "Lies refuted by facts", published yesterday in the same UAE newspaper Al-Roeya, Cairo-based Egyptian writer Hani Al Jamal rhetorically asked", Who gave Human Rights Watch the right to be the judge in cases that it does not know anything about and has no evidence to substantiate its claims?" The writer said that the international watchdog group keeps silent about Israel's oppression and torture in the occupied Palestinian Territory (oPT) as it did about the tragic situations of detainees in U.S.-run Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.
The New York-based rights group, added the writer, also turns a blind eye to human rights violations in a large number of countries that have common interests with the U.S.
"We call on the dubious (human rights) organisation to explore the UAE's record, its international position and its generous humanitarian outreach to all people of poor countries regardless of their nationality, race or religion. This made the UAE, according to respectable internationally recognised organisations, a world leader of humanitarian action." The writer went on to say that "the UAE's international achievements do not appeal to this organisation whose sources of funding, real purposes and real mission and its standards are unknown to anybody."