Taiwanese newspaper appealed to 'learn to listen'

Taiwanese newspapers on Sunday hailed mainland's Taiwan affairs chief Zhang Zhijun's visit to the island and appealed to people from all walks of lives on island to "learn to listen."
The United Daily News said in an article that Zhang's visit started to hone a cross-Strait regular communication mechanism, and symbolized the mainland's resolve to deepen cross-Strait communication as he visited local communities, small and medium-sized enterprises, temples and farmers.
Taiwan-based newspaper China Times said in its front page that Zhang visited both north and south of the island and his amiable work style won praises from local people.
Its editorial said that Zhang's epochmaking visit is a historic proof that the mainstream of the island wants peaceful development of cross-Strait relations. "As long as goodwill visit continues across the Strait, cross-Strait ties would be closer and closer."
Affected by some protesters, Zhang's route was changed on the last day of his visit. Mainstream newspapers on the island all expressed regret and applead to "introspect what hospitality is," and "learn to listen" to different opinions.
The United Daily News said that violent clashes are not equivalent to freedom, and "to listen and understand discrepancy" is what Taiwanese people should reflect on.
The Want Daily also said that Taiwanese people should treat mainland guest with manners and listen to their voices. "Taiwan should not shut the door to appreciate its beautiful sceneries by its own," it said.
Zhang arrived at Taoyuan airport on Wednesday and then held a formal meeting with Wang Yu-chi, Taiwan's mainland affairs chief.
While going deep into the island's grassroots communities to meet local people, Zhang also exchanged views on more cross-Strait cooperation with New Taipei City mayor Eric Chu, Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chu and Taichung Mayor Jason Hu.