Structure for public advertising to be created
A public structure for the distribution of advertising and public subscriptions to the various newspapers

A public structure for the distribution of advertising and public subscriptions to the various newspapers will soon be created, announced Friday the Prime Ministry.


The creation of this structure, which will be placed under the Prime Ministry, was decided after a series of meetings held by the committees responsible for defining the criteria for the granting of public advertising, the same source added.


The Board of Directors of this structure will be composed of representatives of the Tunisian Federation of Newspaper Managers, the Tunisian National Union of Journalists, the General Information Union and the Press Council.


It is also made up of representatives of the concerned ministries and the High Authority for Public Procurement.


This structure will be responsible for rationalising the distribution of public advertising and public subscriptions of paper and electronic periodicals on the basis of respect for the ethics of the profession and labour laws, adds the same source.

source: TAP