
A delegation from the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) toured on Thursday the headquarters of Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) to get a first-hand look at what KUNA accomplishes on a daily basis.
Member of the delegation and Vice President of SPA and its Director General of the News Department Ahmad Bin Ibrahim Al-Awadh stressed the significance of exchanging expertise in all aspects of news reporting and issuing between the two news agencies SPA and KUNA, lauding the work being done by all departments of KUNA in that regard.
The delegation and KUNA officials discussed, among other things, means of upgrading and boosting work of the two agencies to keep abreast of new technologies and approaches to news reporting and news dissemination.
Prior to the delegation's visit, SPA president Abdullah Bin Fahad Al-Hussein had praised the distinguished performance of KUNA over the period of four decades, noting the Kuwaiti agency's leading role in news reporting in the Gulf region.
The SPA delegation was welcomed today at KUNA's headquarters by KUNA's Acting Chairman and Director General Abdulhameed Malek and Deputy Director General for the Editorial Sector Saad Al-Ali