Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukri

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukri has given a number of interviews to the Bahraini TV and newspapers on the fringe of his participation in the 10th round of Manama Dialogue Forum.
Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ambassador Badr Abdel Attei said Shoukri's interviews covered the Egyptian-Bahraini relations, preparations for a joint Egyptian-Bahraini Committee, the challenges facing the Arab region and the international efforts exerted to combat terrorism as well as the role of Azhar in spreading the moderate values of Islam.
Shoukri also highlighted the outcome of his recent meeting in Khartoum on the foreign ministers of Libya's neighbors and means of achieving national consensus in Libya away from armed conflict.
The Egyptian top diplomat also addressed the future of Egypt's relations with each of the US, the European Union, Russia, China and other major world powers in order to achieve a balance in Egypt's foreign policy.